Flux Pearl Adaptive Page Designer with front end live editing and full drag and drop support. Flux Pearl is a hybrid graphic design / web progam visual editor, based on graphic design layout program rather then a online HTML editor, objects move freely to anywhere on page including on top or below other objects.
With the visual editor page builder as your guide you can create stunning visuals web designers create.
The page builder uses Adaptive Webpage Design (AWD) a hybred technology that has full control of a seperate mobile layout from your desktop version of our site, this allows your page to zoom, instead of responding, it looks the same on every device. This technology was a leap forward in the form of layers based photo editors,
like photoshop and corel draw. With our editor your pages goes from 2D layout to 3D allowing for grid points to be fully used for pin point placement of objects 'TRUE WYSISWYG' editing.
- 6) Google Web Designer. Google Web Designer helps you to create engaging HTML5 content. It enables you to use animation and interactive elements to bring your creative vision to life and offers seamless integration with other Google products, like Google Drive, Google Ads, Display & Video 360, etc.
- Flux supports Responsive Design.Design your mobile-first website using code and drag & drop. Flux has first class support for Bootstrap and Skeleton.
- The Titanium Easy-Flux 125 Amp Welder is an easy-to-use, lightweight welder that is ideal for basic welding jobs at home or in the shop. This all-in-one welder package features advanced DC Based inverter technology that produces a more stable arc and cleaner welds all while reducing weight down to only 15 lbs.!
- The Best Website Builders for 2021. Anyone with an organization, a small business, or just a passion needs a website to share it with the world.
Adaptive Page Builder, Website Builder, Frontend Visual Editor Full Drag & Drop Editor
|| Parallax Scrolling || Video Overlay || Business || Demo page builder ||
The tool flow is usually a 'script,' a simplified computer language that can invoke the software design tools in the right order. Tool flows for large logic systems such as microprocessors can be thousands of commands long, and combine the work of hundreds of engineers.
|| Full Version Plugin || Watch Video || YouTube Video Background ||
The page builder Plugin, allows you to set up design faster with instant click and move anywhere objects.
Flux Pearl is layers based with 10 points of movement to anywhere in the editing area, built in image and video proofing, no uploads, no waiting, with video background pages and image backround pages you can easily up sale, lightning fast comps for your clients in mere minutes!
Flux live has built in options you can build sites like the most talented designers!
Flux Live has built in templates for full width video backgrounds, image backgrounds, transitions, parallax scrolling and more.
Flux Live is *Faster! Stronger! Harder! Better! Then Before!
Faster : Flux Live is SimplyFaster! with the OnlyFluid Motion Full Drag & Drop Editor available for WordPress!
Stronger : Flux Live is SimplyStronger! and the OnlyAdaptive Editor & Server that is Responsive to the users device for WordPress!
Harder : Flux Live is SimplyHarder! Harder as in not softer. With two layers of hardened Progressive Enhancements used to create fluctuating zoomed page layouts that will free you from the Linear Grid Model that Responsive pages require to function!
Better : Flux Live is Flux PearlBetter with 3 Dimensions of Editing and 10 Points of Movement, so you can design your webpage like a Desktop Publishing program produces or Web Designer Program!
Best : 'Best' & 'Only' full fluid motion drag & drop editor and site builder for WordPress! You will not find widgets laid out in linear fashion, instead you will find custom built pre made HTML layouts to help you design your page. Flux Live is the 'Best' & 'Only' adaptive page serving editor (Able to edit and serve a mobile page or full sized page depending upon the user's device.) for WordPress!
Fluid Motion Full Drag & Drop, : 'Faster' & 'Only' full drag and drop web page editor for WordPress! Objects move freely like your mouse does and can be placed nearly anywhere to the exact pixel location on your page. Other builders use place holders where a widet can be inserted into the page with many limitations, this type is native drag and drop.
fluctuating Editor & Page Server : 'Better' & 'Only' Adaptive fluctuating Editor For WordPress! Better then just Responsive, you have seperate layouts for mobile and desktop version of your page, Flux Live then serves the best page layout for the users device and objects are scaled in size to fit the device size, this allows the look to remain the same on all devices and you can fully design your web page.
10 points of Movement : 'Faster' & 'Only' editor with 10 points of movement in the web page builder, All objects can move and resize at 4 corners and 4 middle points, and 2 special global handles allowing for fast movement and sizing of objects.
3 Dimensions of Editing : 'Better' & 'Only' editor for WordPress with 3 Dimensions of editing, objects are able to overlay and stack objects, have transparencies, and set the opacities. The editor is a layers based software application, the type you might find in a professional photo editor.
Desktop Publisher : Magazine ads and billboards are laid out with this type of software.
Progressive Enhancements : 'Harder' & 'Only' Hybrid editor for WordPress, with automated web technologies mixed together to obtain the most desired result for the users device. Flux Live allows mobile pages to maintain the design layout without pushing elements down the screen.
Linear Grid Model : Responive pages require a linear grid so that objects are free to push down the page when squezed, this highly limits the possibilities of design, Flux Pearl page builder does not require a grid model and you are free to design the way it will look on all devices.
Save 20% limited time using this code: d5681868 Full Version
Demo editor | Example Page | Full Version | Watch Video | Forum
- Did you ever want a Responsive page that maintains the design and look but it was impossible due to the strict format of Responsive technology ?
- Flux Live Plugin can maintain the exact design and layout, our editor is a Progressive Enhanced editor, and serves fluctuating pages that scale to different device sizes, and does not push objects down the page like responsive pages do.
- Do you want a 'Full' Drag & Drop website builder, not a widget moved into a place holder, called drag and drop?
- Flux Live is a fluid motion editor, objects can be moved to nearly anywhere on the page in 10 points of movement.
- Do you want to design your website in WordPress, instead of just pushing a few buttons?
- Flux Live's website builder has user contorls, instead of buttons and pre made objects that will help you layout your page.
- Do you want a full in theme live editor, with more then a couple of options?
- Flux Live is a full front end live editor, so what you see editing is what you will get.
- Do you want to create custom mobile pages, instead of content resizing and pushing down the page?
- Flux Live is a Adaptive editor and provides seperate layouts for mobile and desktop viewers.
- Do you want the design control of Microsoft Word & Quirk Express in your online editor?
- Flux Live is a full blown layers based object editor that is designed like page layout software.
- Did you ever want to create custom pages outside your theme or splash landing pages?
- Flux Live has options to build pages from scratch.
- Did you ever want to create background image or video pages?
- Flux Live Advanced website editor has templates to build video and image backgrounds in 5 min.
- Do you want special effects, like Transitions, Parralax Scrolling, and Timeline effects.?
- Flux Live Advanced website builder has built in special effects that take moments to set.
- Are you a web designer needing to quickly proof images, videos and layouts?
- Flux Live Advanced website builder has shutter stock proofing built in allowing one click to proof images & video.
If so Flux Live is simply for you!.
Website Builder, Landing Pages, Page Builder, Full HTML 5 Drag & Drop Frontend Editor
We did not include the extras (Shopping Carts, Sliders, etc.) in our website builder, you have 1000s of plugins available to choose from. We just provided the one thing missing, the capibiity of A Full drag and drop editor with extras options, that before now was unavailable to WordPress users.
Build landing pages from scratch outside of your theme, full version has video webpage backgrounds, Parallax scrolling, transitions, full width template.
Not just RESPONSIVE its Fluctuating design!
Flux Live Visual Editor uses Progressive Enhancements, to create a hybrid technology that allows mobile pages to maintain the design layout without pushing elements down the screen. The builder uses a 3D design for layout, allowing the stacking and overlay of objects in absolute positioning. Flux Live is a Adaptive Page Serving Editor and provides separate layouts for mobile devices and desktop page versions, when a user visits your site, Flux Live selects either the mobile or full version and Adapts to fit the users device screen size. The page then becomes Responsive and scales to fit the users device. This is much better then responsive because you are free from the linear grid required by the responsive page layout, your page will look the way you designed it to look, without content squeezing down the page.
Premium Support
Flux Live offers premium support and extend support for our the advanced version. We do not have a team for free support of our software and program related questios, if you send a question without a license it will take longer to be answered.
Premium support for our softare is available with the paid versions of the plugin.
Save 20% limited time using this code: d5681868 Full Version
Free Version
- Full Drag And Drop Visual Editor.
- In Theme Live Editing.
- Pre Made HTML Objects.
- Separate Mobile Pages.
- Inline Editor.
- Use theme CSS.
- Adaptive Pages.
- Front End Editor.
- 50 Google fonts.
- Adaptive Page Serving.
- Build pages from scratch.
- Dual Canvas WebPage Deisgn Program.
- Dual Window Website Deisgn Program.
- Quick Light Boxes.
Flux Live features are like paid builders, Wix, Weebly, Square Space
Advanced Web Site Builder Version
With the advanced version you can build a site with no theme from scratch, we are working on a 'Save As Template' option so your design can be saved as a template.
*Includes all options in the free version, plus the following.
- Premium Support or Extended Support.
- Custom Navigation Bars.
- Video Background Pages.
- Image Background Pages.
- Parallax Scrolling.
- Full Width Images.
- Full Width Objects.
- CSS Transitions.
- Blank Pages.
- 600+ Google Fonts.
- Full Page Builder.
- Edit Object Source Code.
- Shutter Stock Proofing.
- More Pre Made HTML Objects
- Video Inserts.
- Shutter Stock Video Proofing.
- Timed CSS Effects.
- Larger Mobile Canvas.
- Better Mobile Page Scalling.
- Full Width Templates.
- Landing pages.
Save 20% limited time using this code: d5681868 Full Version
Flux Live requires a modern browser and computer.
Website Builder Minimum System Requirements
- Newest version of FireFox, Chrome or IE Edge.
- Modern Desktop / Laptop Computer.
- Compatible Theme (95% Of Themes Work.)
- Create a limited amount of layers to work with, you will have to adjusts your mobile version
Flux Live has a special precaution when changing themes.
Site Builder Theme Precaution
Full drag and drop editors require absolute positioning of objects, this causes problems if you change your Theme, we recommend users who have picked a Theme that will not be changed use the editor. If you choose to use the editor and change themes, you will need to check the page for proper display and edit if necessary.
Flux Live is compatible with 95% of themes.
Supported, Unsupported Themes For Flux Live's Web Site Builder
- Twenty Twelve thru Twenty Fifteen supported.
- Most popular top 100 tested all supported.
- Unsupported Twenty Eleven And Below & Twenty Sixteen. (Twenty Sixteen can be used with a minor CSS change.)
Flux Live is the only 'FULL' drag and drop visual editor available for WordPress
There are two full drag and drop website builders currently availabe online, Flux Live and the Wix editor. Full drag and drop editors allow you to move objects just about anywhere on your page, not just insert a widget into a place holder, the Flux Live webpage builder allows you to create much more dynamic pages with wordpress. Full drag and drop editors are 'Adaptive' editors, this means you build a desktop and mobile versions of your page, whne a user visits your site Flux Live decides which page should be displayed and then serves the proper page to the device.
Demo Editor | Example Page | Full Version | Watch Video | Forum
Flux Live is a full drag and drop web site builder, front end visual editor and adaptve page server with all the option needed to build a modern website.
Flux Live Adaptive WYSIWYG Drag And Drop Visual Editor & Page Builder has some features of a word processor, desktop publisher and design layout program all in one. The Fluctuating HTML Editor is based on a 3D page building design with height, width and depth options available, standard online HTML editors are only based on 2D page editing design with height and width available.
The Flux Live website builder is a design layout program for those who want to create custom pages in a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editing experience. The HTML editor builder is layers based like many popular photo editors allowing for overlays and stacking of objects.
=Adaptive VS Responsive=
Adaptive web design has confused many on what it actually is because it's not a design layout but a process of server side detection, the detection of a users device is used in selecting the proper page to display. All types of web design layout can be used including responsive layout, the only difference is the way the design is looked at from a (business card, letter, brochure) or (phone, pad, desktop) viewpoint rather than RWD one size fits all aproach to layout.
Full Version Page Builder & Website Builder
- Blank page builder.
- Post & Pages.
- Video Backgrounds.
- Image Backgrounds.
- Transition Pages.
Visaul Editor, Site Builder Features
- 50 Google fonts.
- Clone Items.
- Full Visual Drag & Drop Editor.
- Visual Editor.
- All Editor Items Click And Move.
- In Theme editor.
- Mobile View
- Adaptive Editor
- Load Personal templates for inline editing.
- Graphical user interface
- Text fonts.
- Text Size.
- Text color.
- Text shadows.
- Text spacing.
- Text line spacing.
- Text align.
- Box back ground color.
- Box borders.
- Box border colors.
- Box border sizes.
- Box padding.
- Box rounded corners.
- Box transparency.
- Box drop shadows.
- Page Builder
- Box border styles.
- Box border widths.
- Box Resizing – Just click and pull.
- Picture resizing – Just click and pull.
- Picture transparency.
- Picture underlay.
- Picture overlay.
- Picture Gallery
- Image Drop Shadows
- Image Borders
- Image Border radius
- Linking.
- Layers adjust levels.
- Layer naming.
- Layer positioning.
- Layers linkable.
- Layer height levels.
- Layer visibility toggle.
- Layer deleting.
- Floating palettes.
- Side palettes.
- Embeds for adding html layers.
- Embeds for paypal.
- Embeds for youtube.
- Undo step.
- Redo step.
- Auto backup.
- Inline editing.
- Margin settings.
- Page background color.
- Duplicate Editor styles.
- Adjust Margin Width.
- Content Editable.
- Full HTML Editor Visual Editor.
- Custom menu options.
- Upload To Free Image Host.
- Multi-Select Editor Layers.
- New Gallery features.
- Editor Constrain Unconstrain features.
Website Builder.
New Parallax Scrolling Release DEC 10
We are working some bugs out of IE, this will be a RC build, usable for developmnt.
- Upload Flux Live Page Builder folder to the
directory . - Activate the page builder plugin through the ‘Plugins' menu in WordPress.
- No Settings need configured.
What is a Adaptive Editor?
Flux 5 6 4 – Advanced Web Design Tool Software
Adaptive Editors serve two pages, a Mobile page and a Desktop page.
What are the advantages of this type of editor?
You can use the editor to create very custom pages suited to your users device.
When should I use the page builder visual editor?
You should use the editor when you want a page that has design, not just a blog entry.
What extra features does the advanced page builder editor have?
The advanced page builder has blank templates, video background templates, image background templates, and css transitions.
The visual editor also removes extra HTML the editor needs to function, allowing for faster download time.
Image and video backgrounds built with the editor?
The Adaptive Editor bypasses your theme and displays a blank template that loads a video or image in the background of the page. Since the HTML5 editor is 3D in nature you can layer and render objects that overlay the background of the page.
What upgrades will be in new versions of the visual editor?
Flux 5 6 4 – Advanced Web Design Tools
The current beta build of the visual editor has timelines for CSS transitions, and full page builder options outside of your theme.
Can I edit my old pages with the editor?
Flux 5 6 4 – Advanced Web Design Tools
No. The visual editor is a page builder, this means it requires a format for the HTML editor to function in drag and drop.
Parallax Scrolling?
Parallax Scrolling allows objects to scroll at different speeds giving the illusion of 3D, the concept is used in cartoons and games to show movement. The page builder has a easy to use transistions pallete to set these options.
Outside your theme Page Builder?
Flux Live Advaced Version of the page builder can bypass your theme to create full blank pages you build from scratch.
Page Builder Margins?
The page builder has red and blue margins, if you edit within the blue margins you are safe, outside the blue you will need to test for overlap.
Flux 5 6 4 – Advanced Web Design Tool Download
Page Builder Inline Editor?
The page builder inline editor is for fine tuning your page.